The Click & Collect solution for


With Deliver, you can display your product cards online to attract new customers who will be able to view your combos and prices from any device, including laptops, smartphones and tablets.

Customers can place an order at any time of the day from your website while you manage everything from a professional interface.

More than just a tool,
DELIVER helps you expand your business locally and build your customer loyalty.

Why should you choose linkeo's Click & Collect solution for your farming business?

Available 24/7, Deliver Helps You Run Your Farming Business

Your orders will no longer be limited to business hours! Customers will be able to order from your farming business wherever they are, at any time of the day and from any device..

Disclose Exceptional Opening and Closing Hours

Adapt your online ordering solution to your everyday life! With Deliver, you adjust your calendar for any event or occasion that could affect your farming business and disclose the exceptional hours of to your customers.

No Expertise Necessary

Intuitive and user-friendly, Deliver is the Click & Collect solution that will simplify your life! Go to work with your mind at ease and save time for your farming business.

At least 80% of today’s Australian consumers are making online orders.
Let them order from you!

Go Deliver!

Launch your click & collect solution today and boost your business locally!

3 months free! Zero commitment!